Hepatitis C: What Parents Need To Know
If you think that hepatitis C can affect only adults than you are wrong as hepatitis C can cause liver disease in children as well. This is why parents needs to be careful and take measures to prevent unsafe sexual intercourse so that they don’t transmit hepatitis C. If you are hepatitis C positive in your pregnancy time and then you have the risk to pass this virus to your newborn during childbirth irrespective of whether you are going for C section or vaginal birth. Following are the symptoms which will help you to become aware whether your child is infected by hepatitis C
- stomach pain
- diarrhea
- fever
- swelling in their legs
- tiredness
- bruising
- vomiting
- brown dark pee etc.
If your child is hepatitis C positive then he or she run the risk of getting an enlarged spleen or liver. On the basis of your Child’s medical condition your doctor will give treatment options to your child. Blood tests is required for routine diagnosis of hepatitis C for your child. Some of the tests which can be suggested by your doctor or joint Anti-HCV test, viral load tests, HCV-RNA test or qualitative HCV test, viral genotyping etc.

Kids living with hepatitis C up to age 12
Hepatitis C virus goes away from the body without treatment and in 40% of the cases children has got rid of this virus on their own. If your child has turned 2 and gets infected with hepatitis C then it may be termed as chronic infection. In such condition your child may go through minor liver problems. 25% of children have chances of suffering from cirrhosis which is a scaring of the liver. Studies has shown that 50 to 90% of hepatitis C infection cases have improved with the help of these medication. Daclatasvir medicines are prescribed for children who are under 12 and helps to delay the symptoms or prevent the virus 2 multiply faster.
Teens living with hepatitis C
If you’re child has got hepatitis in their teenage years then this can be a result of injecting illicit drugs, unprotected sexual intercourse, coming in contact with infected blood. Teens having hepatitis can run the risk of suffering from cirrhosis if proper treatment is not given. Daclahep is a drug which is prescribed to children between the years 12 to 17. This drug helps in curing the disease in most of the cases. Your child can get some side effects due to this medication. Know about daclahep 60 mg price from your local pharmacy or online store.
What are the safety tips that hepatitis C positive parents must follow for their children?
The general recommendation which is given to families living with HCV positive status is to get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B. Children are most likely to contract this virus if they’re born to hepatitis C infected mother. Parents who test positive for HCV then testing will be done for their baby as well once he or she turns 2 months of age.
Mother suffering from hepatitis C has 20% chance of passing the risk to her baby. The risk will be higher if you are living with Co infection and if proper treatment is not given. Parents needs to avoid excessive alcohol and hepatotoxic medications if they have HCV positive members in the family. Around 1 in every 5 children living with hepatitis clears this virus on their own without any treatment. Some others become carriers and stay healthy until they grow into adults. They must be monitored by your health care specialist and proper antiviral drug treatment like daclahep 60 mg be given to prevent liver cancer or severe damages.
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