What are the 1st signs of Hep C?
Hepatitis C refers to a dangerous disease that is mainly caused due to the hepatitis C virus. When this hepatitis C virus enters the body, it first targets liver. It causes inflammation as well as swelling in the liver. This leads to the start of damage-causing in the liver. And as all of you know, the liver is an extremely important body part. If this virus reaches later stages, it can further lead to liver failure and liver cancer-like infections, which are quite deadly.
The first signs and the symptoms in the people who have recently caught the hepatitis C virus include easy bleeding and bruising in the body, poor appetite and building of fluid inside your abdomen, itchiness, sudden weight loss, the appearance of swelling in the legs, darkly colored urine, the possibility of jaundice, drowsiness, and confusions all the time, being lazy, blood vessels appearing on your skin like that of spider web in shape, and there are many more symptoms which if you feel, you should immediately contact a good doctor who is specialized in all this.
Acute hepatitis C is the one that stays for a maximum of 6 months in a body. It develops and is treated on its own or by medications received after early detection of the virus inside the body. On the other hand, chronic hepatitis C is the one that stays in the body for more than 6 months at once. Usually, acute Hepatitis C is not that dangerous and does not require high doses of medications or surgery. It is treated and goes away on its own. But the issue might be worrisome once the patient’s condition goes into a chronic hepatitis C scenario.
The question arises of who is more likely to develop the hepatitis C infection or the virus inside their body. The answer to this question is as follows-
- The healthcare worker exposed to contaminated blood.
- People having the possession or had inhaled the illicit drugs.
- People with HIV
- Sharing contaminated needles and syringes for whatever purpose it might be.
- Tattoo or piercing done by abnormal or used needles.
- People who had been a part of the blood infusion processes.
- Genetic and family conditions.
- People born between 1944-1964, as at this time, there was a huge spread of this hepatitis C virus, and many people were dying because of the same condition.
- It can also be passed to a newborn baby by their mother if this hepatitis C virus-infected the mother during pregnancy.
Hepatitis C can be managed to be treated if everything is detected in the early stages and the treatment and medications are started immediately. One of the most used and best medicine for treating hepatitis C is the Teravir 300 mg medicine. Teravir involve the salt composition of Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Tenofovir Disoproxil helps a lot in treating early-stage hepatitis C virus and in some cases of chronic infection too.
No one wants to see themselves or their loved ones in conditions that are too difficult for the patient to survive. Also, no one would prefer to pay up huge piles of bills generated by the hospitals for the safety and medications of your loved ones. It is better to be cautious at all times, and everyone should follow a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and nutrition, to avoid facing such conditions in themselves or their family.
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